Oct 31, 2007

Sick Day.

Stayed out sick today because of all the stress from everything is piling up on me. There are cases of MRSA going around and I haven't been able to sleep very well since, plus my step-mom likes to jump down my throat any chance she gets, so today is very needed. I get to do my art homework and relax, maybe play a little xbox 360.

Well anyway, here are some sketches.

Oct 28, 2007

My Monster

Dailymonster.com has provided inkblots for readers to make their own monsters. I decided to give it a try and I'm rather proud of the result. It's nothing compared to Stefan G. Butcher's but it's a change for me. It took me about a half hour and was probably the most fun thing I've done in awhile.

Care to try it for yourself? Go check out the Open Source Monsters.

Oct 26, 2007

OH! Why, hello there.

I figure this is probably a good thing to have, considering I am constantly doodling things that I don't find appropriate to put elsewhere. Plus, it's probably a lot easier than having a website. I'm too lazy for all them codes. I've just recently finished a sketchbook so hopefully I'll get scanning and put some of that up here.

How recently will this be updated?

I'm going to be realistic and try to make it at least once or twice a week. I'd love to have a daily blog but I never ever keep up with those things. I've scanned a few things so expect some updates soon.